פרסומים וכנסים

פרופ’ צ׳אושו פרסמה למעלה מ-100 מאמרים בכתבי עת מדעיים בינלאומיים מובילים וזכתה למענקי מחקר יוקרתים, ביניהם מענקים מהאקדמיה הישראלית למדע והרשות לחדשנות של משרד ההמדע

בשנת 2016 היא זכתה לפרס היוקרתי על שם Dewel על המאמר הקליני הטוב ביותר העיתון האורתודונטיה האמריקאי.

היא הוזמנה להרצות בלמעלה מ 70 כנסים מדעיים יוקרתיים בארץ ובעולם והנחתה למעלה מ 25 קורסים מוזמנים.

Keynote/Invited Lectures


University of Ghent, Faculty of Medicine, Dental School, Belgium.
Chaushu S
Orthodontics in disabled children.


Israel Dental Association – Tel Aviv Dental Society, Israel.
Chaushu S
The orthodontic treatment in the disabled.


Symposion Praktische Kieferorthopadie, Berlin, Germany
Becker A, Chaushu S
Accurate positional diagnosis of impacted teeth.


Israel Dental Association – Haifa Dental Society, Israel.
Chaushu S
Orthodontic treatment in the adult patient.


Israel Dental Association – Tel Aviv Dental Society, Israel.
Chaushu S
Orthodontic treatment in the adult patient.


Israel Dental Association – Beer Sheva Dental Society
Chaushu S
Orthodontic treatment in the adult patient.


Pacific Coast Society of Orthodontists, a constituent society of the American Association of Orthodontists, Vancouver, Canada.
Chaushu S
Impacted canines: where they are and how they got there?.


Israel Dental Association – Tel Aviv Dental Society, Israel.
Chaushu S
Orthodontic treatment with lingual appliances.


9th Congress of the Turkish Orthodontic Society, Antalya, Turkey
Chaushu S
Is there a future for permanent incisors with roots being actively resorbed by impacted canines?


The 6th Annual Interdisciplinary Meeting of the Israel Orthodontic Society, Jerusalem, Israel
Chaushu S
The passion for challenges in orthodontics: children with special needs, impacted teeth, lingual orthodontics.


The 9th International Symposium of the Greek Orthodontic Society, Athens, Greece
Chaushu S
The passion for orthodontics – simplifying the challenge.


The European Society of Lingual Orthodontics Congress, Venice, Italy
Chaushu S
Treating impacted teeth with lingual orthodontics – “doubling” the challenge.


11th International Symposium On Dentofacial Development And Function, Chicago, USA
Chaushu S
The passion for orthodontics – simplifying the challenge.


The Faculty of Dentistry Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Dublin, Ireland
Chaushu S, Becker A.
Multidisciplinary management traumatized teeth.
Multidisciplinary management of ectopically placed teeth.


Annual Session of Israeli Dental Association, Tel Aviv, Israel
Chaushu S, Tzur B, Chaushu G, Casap N.
Orthodontic implants: new solutions to old problems.
Chaushu S, Shapira Y, Heling I, Becker A.
Traumatic “impaction” of anterior teeth.


Annual Session of American Association of Orthodontics, Seattle, USA
Chaushu S
Treating impacted teeth in the adult patient. (Raising stars).


Danish Dental Association, Arhus, Denmark
Chaushu S
Etiology and positional diagnosis of impacted teeth.


84th European Orthodontic Society Congress, Lisbon, Portugal
Chaushu S, Becker A.
Impacted Canines – Innovative approaches to avoid treatment failure.


8th Congress of European Society of Lingual Orthodontics, Cannes, France
Chaushu S.
Lingual orthodontic treatment eficiency in Class II and bimaxillary protrusion cases.


Annual Session of Israeli Dental Association, Tel Aviv, Israel
Stabholz A and Chaushu S.
Is orthodontics too aggressive for aggressive periodontitis


Annual Session of Israeli Dental Association, Tel Aviv, Israel
Chaushu S.
The sky is the limit – skeletal anchorage in complex multidisciplinary treatment in the adult patient.


British Orthodontic Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland
Chaushu S.
Impacted maxillary canines with lingual appliances.
Becker A and Chaushu S.
The anatomy of failure.


Australasian Osseointegration Society 7th Biennal Conference, Goldcoast, Australia
Chaushu S.
Implants in Orthodontics.


110th Annual Session of American Association of Orthodontists, Washington, USA.
Chaushu S
Impacted teeth – the thin line between success and failure.


Danish Orthodontic Society
Chaushu S.
Treatment of impacted teeth.


BSSO meeting, Haarlem, Holand
Chaushu S.
Implants in the service of treatment for impacted teeth.


112th Annual Session of American Association of Orthodontists, Hawai, USA.
Becker A, Chaushu S.
The impacted tooth with invasive cervical root resorption.


Berlin and Branderburg Society, Berlin, Germany
Chaushu S.
Treatment of ankylosed teeth.


University of Ferrara, Dept. of Orthodontics, Ferrara, Italy
Chaushu S.
3D impacted canine.


IV International Congress Romanian Straight Wire Association, Iasi, Romania.
Chaushu S.
Multidisciplinary adult orthodontics – in search of the optimal treatment.


Alpha Omega European Convention, Zurich, Switzeland.
Chaushu S and Stabholz A.
Periodontics and Orthodontics – Friends or Foes.


International Orthodontic Postgraduate Study Day, Kings College London Orthodontic Society, London, England.
Chaushu S.
Failures in treatment of impacted teeth.


Turkish Association of Orthodontists, Istanbul, Turkey.
Chaushu S. Ankylosed molars.


Italian Society of Bidimensional Technique, Rome, Italy.
Chaushu S.
Failures in orthodontic treatment of impacted maxillary canines – whom should we blame?


114th Annual Session of American Association of Orthodontists, New Orleans. USA.
Becker A, Chaushu S
Dilacerate maxillary central incisors.


45th SIDO (Italian Orthodontic Society) meeting, Florence, Italy.
Chaushu S.
Orthodontics and Periodontics – Friends or Foes.


91th European Orthodontic Society meeting, Venice, Italy.
Chaushu S.
Scientifically-based clinical decisions in orthodontic treatment for impacted teeth.


Winter Conference of American Association of Orthodontists, Miami, USA.
Chaushu S.
Ectopic Teeth: Who, When, How to Intervene.


University of Ferrara, Dept. of Orthodontics, Ferrara, Italy
Chaushu S
Oral sugery focusing on impacted canines


8th IOC – WFO Congres, London, England.
Chaushu S.
Trobleshouting impacted teeth.


28th Annual Scientific Meeting of SPODF- Sociedade Portuguesa de Ortopedia Dento-Facial, Estoril – Cascais, Portugal
Chaushu S.


116th Annual Session of American Association of Orthodontists, Orlando, USA.
Chaushu S
Scientifically-based clinical decisions in orthodontic treatment for impacted maxillary canines.


Annual Convention of the Endodontic Association, Jerusalem, Israel
Chaushu S.
Invasice cervical resorption. Cause or result of orthodontic treatment of impacted teeth.


47th SIDO (Italian Orthodontic Society) meeting, Florence, Italy.
Chaushu S.
Dilacerated incisors
Ankylosed molars


Angle Society North Atlantic Component Meeting, Washington, USA
Chaushu S.
Immunological and biological mechanisms behind orthodontic tooth movement in healthy and regenerated sites


Pediatric Dentistry Meeting, Tel Aviv, Israel
Chaushu S.
The need for periapical views in children.


SEDO national meeting, Malaga, Spain
Chaushu S, Becker A.
Impacted incisors
6 manifestations of resorption


117th Annual Session of American Association of Orthodontists, San Diego, USA.
Chaushu S, Becker A.
Impacted teeth – resorb or be resorbed?


DGKFO, German Society of Orthodontists, Bonn, Germany
Chaushu S
Disturbances of tooth eruption from an orthodontist´s point of view – diagnostical and therapeutical requirements for the ridge walk between success and failure.


Greek Orthodontic Society, Thesalloniki, Greece
Chaushu S.
Orthodontics – a cause or an answer to gingival recessions?


Winter Session of American Association of Orthodontists, Scottsdale, USA.
Chaushu S.
Incipient Impaction: Is there a Foolproof Preventative Strategy?


118th Annual Session of American Association of Orthodontists, Washington, USA.
Chaushu S.
Biological and immunological processes underlying orthodontic tooth movement in regenerative sites


Dutch Orthodontic Society, Amsterdam, Holland
Chaushu S, Casap N
Orthodontists, Surgeons and Impacted Teeth – Do’s and Don’ts


Brasilian Orthodontic Society, San Paolo, Brasil
Chaushu S
Impacted Teeth, Do’s and Don’ts


American Association of Maxillofacial Surgeons
Casap N, Chaushu S
Surgeons, Orthodontists and Impacted Teeth – Do’s and Don’ts


IADR, London, United Kingdom
Chaushu S
Biological processes underlying orthodontic tooth movement in regenerative sites


119th Annual Session of American Association of Orthodontists, Los Angeles, USA.
Chaushu S, Becker A.
Impacted teeth – failures in 20/20 hindsight


Decision Making in Clinacal Orthodontics – Symposium of Orthodontic Department, Tel Aviv, Israel
Chaushu S, Becker A.
Impacted canines – resorb or be resorbed


IADR, Vancouver, USA
Chaushu S
Immunorthodontics – the role of immune cells in orthodontic tooth movement


AESOR Meeting, Madrid, Spain
Chaushu S
Impacted teeth – failures in 20/20 hindsight


51th SIDO- AIDOR International Spring Meeting, Verona, Italy.
Chaushu S.
Missing anterior teeth in young patients – face and age oriented ortho- prosthetic treatment


Mediterranean Orthodontic Integration Project, Congress, Athens, Greece
Chaushu S
Missing anterior teeth in young patients – face and age oriented ortho-prosthetic treatment


The 9th International Orthodontic Congress, Japan
Chaushu S
Failures are always 20/20 – so learn from your mistakes


121th Annual Session of American Association of Orthodontists, virtual.
Chaushu S
Growing and redirecting roots of Impacted Teeth


51th SIDO (Italian Orthodontic Society) meeting, Napoli, Italy
Chaushu S
Impacted Canines: Ignored Clues Subvert Clinical Diagnosis & Strategic Treatment Planning


7th Mediterranean Orthodontic Integration Project, Congress, Athens, Greece
Chaushu S
Missing anterior teeth in young patients – face and age oriented ortho-prosthetic treatment /Impacted Canines: Ignored Clues Subvert Clinical Diagnosis & Strategic Treatment Planning


Annual Scientific Meeting of the Israeli Dental Association, Tel Aviv, Israel
Chaushu S
Growing and redirecting roots of Impacted Teeth


28th Australian Orthodontic Congress.
Chaushu S
Extreme impactions – top ways to make better decisions.


122th Annual Session of American Association of Orthodontists.
Chaushu S
Climbing the mountains of extreme impactions

List of publications

Original Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals

1. Chaushu S, Chaushu G, Garfunkel A.A, Slavin S, Or R, Yefenof E. (1994). Salivary immunoglobulins in recipients of bone marrow grafts: I. A longitudinal follow-up. Bone Marrow Transplant. 14:871-6.

2. Chaushu S, Chaushu G, Garfunkel A.A, Slavin S, Or R, Yefenof E. (1994). Salivary immunoglobulins in recipients of bone marrow grafts: II. Transient secretion of donor-derived salivary IgA following transplantation of T cell-depleted bone marrow. Bone Marrow Transplant. 14:925-8.

3. Chaushu G, Itzkovitz-Chaushu S, Yefenof E, Slavin S, Or R, Garfunkel A.A. (1995) A longitudinal follow-up of salivary secretion in bone marrow transplant patients. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 79:164-9.

4. Chaushu G, Chaushu S, Yefenof E, Slavin S, Or R, Garfunkel A.A. (1996) Salivary immunoglobulins in recipients of bone marrow grafts: III. A longitudinal follow-up of CMV specific antibodies. Bone Marrow Transplant. 17:237-41.

5. Chaushu S, Chaushu G, Becker A. (1999) The use of panoramic radiographs in the localization of an impacted canine. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 88:511-6.
a. Abstracted in Mosby Yearbook of Pediatrics, 2001.

6. Chaushu S, Chaushu G, Becker A. (1999) Reliability of a method for the localization of displaced maxillary canines using a single panoramic radiograph. Clin Orthod Res 2:194-9.

7. Chaushu S, Becker API. (2000) Behavior management needs for the orthodontic treatment of children with disabilities. Eur J Orthod 22:143-9.

8. Chaushu S, Zeltser R, Becker A. (2000) Safe orthodontic bonding for children with disabilities during general anesthesia. Eur J Orthod 22:225-8.

9. Becker A, Shapira J, Chaushu S. (2000) Orthodontic treatment for disabled children: motivation, expectation and satisfaction. Eur J Orthod 22:151-8.

10. Becker A, Chaushu S. (2000) Dental age in maxillary canine ectopia. Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop. 117:657-62.

11. Shapira Y, Chaushu S, Becker A. (2000) The prevalence of third molar agenesis, tooth impaction and tooth transposition in individuals with Down Syndrome. Angle Orthod. 70:290-6.

12. Chaushu G, Blinder D, Taicher S, Chaushu S. (2001) The effect of precise reattachment of the mentalis muscle on the soft tissue response to genioplasty. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2001;59:510-6.

13. Becker A, Shapira I, Chaushu S. (2001) Orthodontic treatment for disabled children-a survey of patient and appliance management. J Orthod. 28:39-44.

14. Chaushu G, Chaushu S, Tzohar A, Dayan A. (2001) Immediate loading of single-tooth implants: immediate versus non-immediate implantation. A clinical report. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 16:267-72.

15. Chaushu S, Becker A, Zalkind M. (2001) Prosthetic considerations in the restoration of orthodontically treated maxillary lateral incisors to replace missing central incisors: A clinical report. J Prosthet Dent. 85:335-41.

16. Chaushu S, Shapira J, Becker A. (2001) [The orthodontic treatment of children with disabilities]. Refuat Hapeh Vehashinayim (1993).18:42-50,62.

17. Chaushu S, Gozal D, Becker A. (2002) Intravenous Sedation: an adjunct to enable Orthodontic Treatment for Children with Disabilities. Eur J Orthod. 24:81-9.

18. Chaushu S, Sharabi S, Becker A. (2002) Dental morphologic characteristics of normal versus delayed developing dentitions with palatally displaced canines. Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop. 121:339-46.

19. Chaushu S, Yefenof E, Becker A, Shapira J, Chaushu G. (2002) Severe Impairment of Secretory Ig Production in Parotid Saliva of Down Syndrome Individuals. J Dent Res. 81:308-12.

20. Chaushu S, Becker A, Chaushu G, Shapira J. ( 2002) Stimulated Parotid Salivary Flow Rate in Patients with Down Syndrome. Spec Care Dent. 22:41-4.

21. Becker A, Sharabi S, Chaushu S. (2002) Maxillary tooth size variation in dentitions with palatal canine displacement. Eur J Orthod. 24:313-8.

22. Chaushu S, Yefenof E, Becker A, Shapira J, Chaushu G. (2002) A Link Between Parotid Salivary Ig level and Recurrent Respiratory Infections in Young Down’s Syndrome Patients. Oral Microbiol Immunol (now Mol Oral Microbiol). 17:172-6.

23. Becker A, Brin I, Ben-Bassat Y, Zilberman Y, Chaushu S. (2002) Closed-eruption surgical technique for impacted maxillary incisors: a postorthodontic periodontal evaluation. Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop. 122:9-14.

24. Chaushu S, Yefenof E, Becker A, Shapira J, Chaushu G. (2003) Parotid Salivary Ig, Recurrent Respiratory Tract Infections and Gingival Health in Institutionalized and Non-institutionalized Young Subjects with Down’s Syndrome. J Intell Disabil Res. 47:101-7.

25. Chaushu S, Sharabi S, Becker A (2003) Tooth size in dentitions with buccal canine ectopia. Eur J Orthod. 25:485-91.

26. Chaushu S, Brin I, Ben-Bassat Y, Zilberman Y, Becker A. (2003) Periodontal status following surgical-orthodontic alignment of impacted central incisors by an open-eruption technique. Eur J Orthod 25:579-84.

27. Chaushu S, Zilberman Y, Becker A. (2003) Maxillary incisor impaction and its relation to canine displacement. Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop.124:144-50; discussion 150.
a. Selected to be discussed in editor’s choice

28. Becker A, Chaushu S. (2003) Success rate and duration of orthodontic treatment for adult patients with palatally impacted maxillary canines. Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop. 124:509-14.
a. Selected to be discussed in editor’s choice

29. Chaushu S, Shapira J, Heling I, Becker A (2004) Emergency orthodontic treatment following the traumatic intrusive luxation of maxillary incisor teeth. Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop. 126:162-72.
a. Selected to be discussed in editor’s choice

30. Chaushu G, Becker A, Zeltser R, Branski S, Chaushu S. (2004) Patients’ Perception of Recovery After Exposure of Impacted Teeth With a Closed-Eruption Technique. Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop. 125:690-6.

31. Chaushu S, Chaushu G, Becker A. (2004) The role of digital volume tomography in the imaging of impacted teeth. World J Orthod. 5:120-32.

32. Chaushu S, Becker A, Zeltser R, Vasker N, Chaushu G. (2004). Patients’ Perception of Recovery After Exposure of Impacted Teeth With an Open-Eruption Technique. Eur J Orthod. 26:591-6.

33. Chaushu S, Zahavi T, Becker A. (2004) Forced eruption of maxillary incisor teeth from the lingual side. Quintessence Int. 35:431-6.

34. Becker A, Chaushu S. (2004) Non-invasive periodontal splinting with multistrand wire following the orthodontic realignment of periodontally migrated teeth. Orthodontics. 1:159-67.

35. Shapira J, Chaushu S, Becker A (2004) Orthodontic treatment of children with disabilities. Semin Orthod. 10:281-292.

36. Chaushu S, Becker A, Zeltser R, Branski S, Vasker N, Chaushu G. (2005) Patients perception of recovery after exposure of impacted teeth: a comparison of closed- versus open-eruption techniques. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 63:323-29.

37. Becker A, Chaushu S. (2005) Long-term follow-up of severely resorbed maxillary incisors following resolution of etiologically-associated canine impaction. Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop. 127:650-4.
a. selected to be discussed in editor’s choice

38. Zigmond M, Stabholz A, Shapira J, Bachrach G, Chaushu G, Becker A, Yefenof E, Chaushu S. (2006) The outcome of a preventive dental care program on the prevalence of localized aggressive periodontitis in Down’s syndrome individuals. J Intell Disabil Res. 50:492-500.

39. Bachrach G, Chaushu G, Zigmond M, Yefenof E, Stabholz A, Shapira J, Merrick J, Chaushu S. (2006). Salivary LL-37 secretion in Down’s syndrome is normal. J Dent Res. 85:933-6.

40. Chaushu S, Casap N, Becker A, Tzur B , Chaushu G. (2006) [Orthodontic anchorage in the era of osseointegration]. Refuat Hapeh Vehashinayim (1993). 24:32-45, 92. (In Hebrew). X; X; 0

41. Shlomi B, Chaushu S, Gil Z, Chaushu G, Fliss DM. (2007) Effects of the subcranial approach on facial growth and development. Otolaryngol Head and Neck Surg. 136:27-32.

42. Chaushu G, Becker A, Zeltser R, Vasker N, Branski S, Chaushu S. (2007) Patients perception of recovery after orthodontic extractions of premolar teeth. Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop. 131:170-5.

43. Chaushu S, Chaushu G, Zigmond M, Yefenof E, Stabholz A, Shapira J, Merrick J, Bachrach G. (2007) Age dependent deficiency in saliva and salivary antibodies secretion in Down’s syndrome. Arch Oral Biol. 52:1088-96.

44. Mizrahi S, Yefenof E, Gross M, Atal D, Ben Yaakov A, Goldman-Wohl D, Maly B, Stern N, Katz G, Gazit R, Vogt Sionov R, Mandelboim O, Chaushu S. (2007) A Phenotypic and Functional Characterization of NK Cells in Adenoids. J Leukoc Biol. 82:1095-105.

45. Bachrach G, Muster Z, Raz I, Chaushu G, Stabholz A, Nussbaum G, Chaushu S. (2008). Assessing the levels of immunoglobulins in the saliva of diabetic individuals with periodontitis using checkerboard immunodetection. Oral Dis. 14:51-9.

46. Chaushu S, Bongart M, Aksoy A, Ben-Bassat Y, Becker A. (2009) Buccal Ectopia of Maxillary Canines in the Absence of Crowding. Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop 136:218.

47. Shalish M, Chaushu S, Wasserstein A. (2009) Malposition of Unerupted Mandibular Second Premolar in Children with Palatally Displaced Canines. Angle Orthod. 79:796-9.

48. Chaushu S, Dykstein N, Ben-Bassat Y, Becker A. (2009) Periodontal status of impacted maxillary incisors uncovered by two different surgical techniques. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 67:120-4.

49. Becker A, Casap N, Chaushu S. (2009) Conventional wisdom and the surgical exposure of impacted teeth. Orthod Craniofac Res. 12:82-93.
a. abstracted in J Periodontol 2009;80:1564

50. Gutner M*, Chaushu S*, Balter D, Bachrach G. (2009) Saliva enables the antimicrobial activity of LL-37 in the presence of proteases of Porphyromonas gingivalis. Infect Immun 77:5558-63.
a. the first 2 authors are equal contributors.

51. Becker A, Shapira J, Chaushu S. (2009) Orthodontic treatment for the special needs child. Prog Orthod 10:34-47.
a. selected to be discussed in editor’s choice

52. Becker A, Chaushu G, Chaushu S. (2010) Analysis of failure in the treatment of impacted maxillary canines. Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop. 137:743-54.

53. Becker A, Chaushu S, Casap-Caspi N. Cone-beam computed tomography and the orthosurgical management of impacted teeth. J Am Dent Assoc. 2010 Oct;141 Suppl 3:14S-18S.

54. Shalish M, Cooper-Kazaz R, Ivgi I, Canetti L, Tsur B, Bachar E, Chaushu S. (2012) Adult patients’ adjustability to orthodontic appliances. Part I: a comparison between Labial, Lingual, and InvisalignTM. Eur J Orthod 34(6):724-30.

55. Cooper-Kazaz R, Ivgi I, Canetti L, Bachar E, Tsur B, Chaushu S, Shalish M. (2013) The impact of personality on adult patients’ adjustability to orthodontic appliances. Angle Orthod. 83(1):76-82.
a. the last 2 authors are equal contributors.

56. Chaushu S, Wilensky A, Gur C, Shapira L, Elboim M, Halftek G, Polak D, Achdout H, Bachrach G, Mandelboim O (2012). Direct recognition of Fusobacterium nucleatum by the NK cell natural cytotoxicity receptor NKp46 aggravates periodontal disease. PLoS Pathog 8(3):e1002601.

57. Becker A, Abramovitz I, Chaushu S. (2013) Failure of treatment of impacted canines associated with invasive cervical root resorption. Angle Orthod. 83(5):870-6.

58. Sol A, Ginesin O, Chaushu S, Karra L, Coppenhagen-Glazer S, Ginsburg I, Bachrach G. (2013) LL-37 opsonizes and inhibits biofilm formation of Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans at subbactericidal concentrations. Infect Immun. 81(10):3577-85.

59. Chaushu S, Stabholz A . (2013) Orthodontic-associated localized gingival recession of lower incisors: who should treat it? Compend Contin Educ Dent. Spec No: 6-12; quiz 13.

60. Shalish M, Har-Zion G, Zini A, Harari D, Chaushu S. (2014) Deep submersion: severe phenotype of deciduous-molar infraocclusion with biological associations. Angle Orthod. 84(2):292-6.

61. Chaushu S, Kaczor-Urbanowicz K, Zadurska M, Becker A. (2015) Predisposing factors for severe incisor root resorption associated with impacted maxillary canines. Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop 147:52-60.

62. Chaushu S, Becker T, Becker A. (2015) Impacted incisors – success rate and treatment duration. Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop. 147:355-62.

63. Shalish M, Dykstein N, Friedlander-Barenboim S, Ben David E, Gomori JM, Chaushu S. (2015) Influence of common fixed retainers on the diagnostic quality of cranial magnetic resonance images. Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop 147:604-9.

64. Abed J, Emgård JEM Zamir G, Faroja M, Almogy G, Grenov A, Sol A, Naor R, Pikarsky E, Atlan KA, Grover NB, Chaushu S, McGuire AM, Earl AM, Garrett WS, Bachrach G . (2016) Fap2 mediates F. nucleatum localization to colorectal cancer through binding to tumor-expressed Gal-GalNAc. Cell Host Microbe. 20(2):215-25.

65. Kaczor-Urbanowicz KE, Deutsch O, Zaks B, Krief G, Chaushu S, Palmon A. (2017) Identification of salivary protein biomarkers for orthodontically induced inflammatory root resorption. Proteom Clin Appl. 11(9-10). Doi: 10.1002/prca.201600119.

66. Abed J, Maalouf N, Parhi L, Chaushu S, Mandelboim O, Bachrach G. (2017) Tumor Targeting by Fusobacterium nucleatum: A Pilot Study and Future Perspectives. Front Cell Infect Microbiol; 7:295. Doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2017.00295. eCollection

67. Klein Y, Fleissig O, Stabholz A, Chaushu S, Polak DPI. (2019) Bone regeneration with bovine bone impairs orthodontic tooth movement despite proper osseous wound healing in a novel mouse model. J Periodontol, 90(2):189-199.
a. the last 2 authors are equal contributors.

68. Klein Y, Kunthawong N, Fleissig O, Casap N, Polak D, Chaushu S. (2019) The Impact of Alloplast and Allograft on Bone Homeostasis: Orthodontic Tooth Movement into Regenerated Bone. J Periodontol Dec 30. Doi: 10.1002/JPER.19-0145.
a. the last 2 authors are equal contributors.

69. Klein Y, Maimon A, Fleissig O, Levin-Talmor O, Meirow Y, Garber Berkstein J, Lebovich AC, Stabholz AC, Chaushu S, Polak DPI. (2020) Bovine Bone Promotes Osseous-Protection via Osteoclast Activation. J Dent Res Mar 13:22034520911647
a. the last 2 authors are equal contributors.

70. Klein Y, Fleissig O , Polak D, Chaushu S. (2020) Immunorthodontics: in vivo gene expression of orthodontic tooth movement Sci Rep 18;10(1):8172.
a. the first 2 authors are equal contributors.

71. Dekel E, Nucci L, Weill T, Flores-Mir C, Becker A, Perillo L, Chaushu S. (2021)
Impaction of maxillary canines and its effect on the position of adjacent teeth and canine development: A cone-beam computed tomography study. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 159(2):e135-e147.

72. Wald S, Leibowitz A, Aizenbud Y, Saba Y, Zubeidat K, Barel O, Koren N, Heyman O, Wilharm A, Sandrock I, Fleissig O, Tal Y, Prinz I, Aizenbud D, Chaushu S, Hovav AH. (2021) γδT Cells Are Essential for Orthodontic Tooth Movement. J Dent Res. 100(7):731-738.

73. Light N, Chaushu S, Major PW, Flores-Mir C. (2021) 3D Analysis of maxillary incisor root inclinations in cases of unilateral maxillary canine impaction. Eur J Orthod. Oct 1:cjab071. doi: 10.1093/ejo/cjab071.

74. Dorchin-Ashkenazi H, Ginat-Koton R, Gabet Y, Klein Y, Chaushu S, Dorchin H, Brosh T, Vered M. (2021) The Balance between Orthodontic Force and Radiation in the Jawbone: Microstructural, Histological, and Molecular Study in a Rat Model. Biology (Basel). Nov 18;10(11):1203.

75. Fleissig O, Hazan-Molina H, Chaushu S, Aizenbud D, Klein Y, Zini A, Gabet Y. (2021) Analytical methodology to measure periodontal bone morphometry following orthodontic tooth movement in mice. Eur J Orthod. 1;43(6):665-671.

Case Reports

76. Chaushu G, Chaushu S, Weinberger T. (1997) Infraorbital abscess from orthodontic headgear. Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop. 112:364-6.
abstracted in Mosby Yearbook of Pediatrics, 1999.

77. Chaushu G, Zohar A, Chaushu S. (2000) [A combination of orthodontics and implantology for reconstruction of an avulsed maxillary incisor]. Refuat Hapeh Vehashinayim. 17:32-40. Case report.

78. Chaushu G, Zohar A, Chaushu S. (2001) The use of orthodontic treatment and immediate implant loading to reconstruct the traumatic loss of a maxillary central incisor. Int J Adult Orthodont Orthognath Surg. 16:47-53.

79. Geron S, Chaushu S. (2002) Lingual extraction treatment of anterior open bite in an adult. J Clin Orthod. 36:441-6.

80. Chaushu S, Becker A, Chaushu G. (2004) Orthosurgical treatment of an infraoccluded maxillary first molar in an adult, using lingual orthodontics. Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop. 125:379-87.

81. Becker A, Chaushu S, Lustmann J. (2005) The orthodontic-surgical modality in the treatment of multiple impacted teeth: A case report. Orthod J Serbia Montenegro. 3:5-16.

82. Chaushu S, Becker A, Chaushu G. (2008) Lingual orthodontic treatment and absolute anchorage to correct an impacted maxillary canine in an adult. Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop. 134:811-9.

83. Rosner D, Becker AC, Casap N, Chaushu S. (2010) Orthosurgical treatment including anchorage from a palatal implant to correct an infraoccluded maxillary first molar in a young adult. Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop. 138(6):804-9.

84. Shapira J, Birenboim R, Shoshani M, Abdel-Kader A, Behar O, Moskovitz M, Ben-Attar Y, Chaushu S, Becker A. (2016) Overcoming the oral aspects of -self-mutilation: description of a method. Spec Care Dent 36(5):282-7. X; X; 2

Reviews, commentaries, hypotheses, editorials

85. Garfunkel A.A, Tager N, Chaushu S, Chaushu G, Haze C, Galili D. (1994) Oral complications in bone marrow transplantation patients: Recent advances. Isr J Med Sci (now Isr Med Assoc J). 30:120-4.

86. Chaushu G, Chaushu S, Tzadok S. (1997) [Surgically assisted rapid maxillary expansion]. Keshet-J Isr Orthod Soc. 7:6-10.

87. Chaushu S. Tzadok S. (1997) [Orthodontic, prosthetic, and periodontal aspects in uprighting tilted teeth]. Keshet-J Isr Orthod Soc. 8:28-32.

88. Becker A, Chaushu S. (2003) Orthodontic treatment need and self-perception of 11-16 year old Saudi Arabian children with a sensory impairment attending special schools M Al-Sarheed, R Bedi, NP Hunt. Commentary. J Orthod. 30;1: 22.

89. Chaushu S, Chaushu G. (2010) Skeletal implant anchorage in the treatment of impacted teeth – A review of the State of the Art. Semin Orthod. 16:234-41.

90. Becker A, Chaushu S. (2013) Palatally impacted canines: The case for closed surgical exposure and immediate orthodontic traction. Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop. 143(4):451-9.

91. Chaushu S, Abramovitz I , Becker A . (2013) Failure in the orthodontic treatment of impacted maxillary canines. Refuat Hapeh Vehashinayim. 30:45-52, 81.

92. Wilensky A , Chaushu S , Shapira L .(2015) The role of natural killer cells in periodontitis. Periodontol 2000. 69:128-41.
a. the first 2 authors are equal contributors

93. Becker A, Zogakis I, Luchian I, Chaushu S. (2016) Surgical exposure of impacted canines: Open or closed surgery? Semin Orthod. 22(1):27-33.

94. Becker A, Chaushu S. (2015) Etiology of Maxillary Canine Impaction: a review. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 8:557-67.
a. will be published as “centennial special article”

95. Becker A, Chaushu S. (2015) Surgical Treatment of Impacted Canines: What the Orthodontist Would Like the Surgeon to Know. Oral Maxillofac Surg Clin North Am. 27:449-58.

96. Becker A, Chaushu S. (2015) [Impacted teeth and the six incarnations of resorption]. Orthod Fr. 86:277-86.

97. Chaushu S, Klein Y, Mandelboim O, Barenholz Y, Fleissig O. Immune Changes Induced by Orthodontic Forces: A Critical Review. J Dent Res. 2021 9:220345211016285.


98. Chaushu S, Yefe-Nof E, Becker A, Shapira J, Chaushu G. (2002) J Dent Res. 81:588-9.

99. Zigmond M, Stabholz A, Shapira J, Bachrach G, Chaushu G, Becker A, Yefenof E, Merrick J, Chaushu S. (2008) Response Dr S. S. A. Bekhit. J Intell Disabil Res. 52:89-90.

100. Becker A, Chaushu S. (2008) Re: incisor root resorption due to ectopic maxillary canines. Angle Orthod. 78(5

101. Chaushu S, Chaushu G, Becker A. (2008) Letter to editor: misinterpreted citation. J Orthod. 35:292.

102. Becker A, Chaushu S. (2016). Author’s response. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 149:150-1